Family Handbook
Purpose and Philosophy
Mountain Grove Christian Academy was established in 1982 for providing a Christ-centered, Biblically oriented education to children in all areas of educational pursuits with God being at the center of every subject. We believe that all truth is God’s truth and has its source in Jesus Christ (John 14:6). True education must involve an integration of faith and learning. The Scriptures declare that God has given the responsibility for the education and nurturing of children to the child’s parents (Deut. 6:6-9). Thus, it is the responsibility of the parents as they are led by the Holy Spirit to decide who will assist them in fulfilling their responsibility. MGCA seeks to encourage and challenge its students to reach their highest intellectual, moral, spiritual, social, and physical potential, and to present to our children the truth about God, about life, and about the world and everything in it. The goals at MGCA are not to reform, but to train children in the highest principles of Christian leadership, self-discipline, individual responsibility, personal integrity, and good citizenship. It is our desire to assist you in providing the foundation that your child needs for abundant life.
MGCA admits students of any race, color, and national or ethnic origin to all the rights, privileges, programs, and activities generally accorded or made available to students at school. MGCA does not discriminate based on race, color, or national or ethnic origin in the administration of its educational policies, admission policy, and athletic or other school-administered programs. A student is admitted based on former achievement, placement testing, and personal desire of each student to attend a Christian school. It is understood that if a student does not cooperate in maintaining high ideals of academic work and Christian conduct, he/she may be asked to withdraw whenever the general welfare of the school demands it; attendance is a privilege that must be earned and respected. MGCA does not have the staffing, facilities, or resources to permit admission of students with exceptional physical, learning, or behavioral disabilities.
Christian Americanism
Christian Americanism places emphasis upon the greatness of America’s heritage and the sacrifices of her heroes. America’s Constitution guarantees liberties to educate to preserve freedom. We unashamedly teach the Biblical doctrines of self-discipline, respect for those in authority, obedience to law, and love for God, flag, and country.
1. To provide a solid academic program of study integrated with the Bible
2. To teach students that the Bible is the inspired, infallible Word of the living God.
3. To teach students that Christ is God’s Son; that He came to die for our sins; that He rose from the dead and has returned to heaven to prepare a place for those who receive Him by faith.
4. To teach students that God is the Creator and Sustainer of the universe and of man, thus making human life in any form sacred in the sight of God.
5. To stress academic excellence and encourage individual development to the best of each student’s ability.
6. To teach the love of fellow man and an appreciation for our American heritage along with the responsibilities of citizenship.
7. To instill in the student the ability to distinguish right from wrong and the courage to stand up for personal convictions, and to provide discipline with an attitude of love and encouragement.
8. To teach the student the value of good physical health and provide opportunities for physical and social development.
Statement of Faith
We believe the Bible to be the inspired, only infallible, authoritative Word of God. We believe that there is one God, eternally existent in three Persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. We believe in the Deity of the Lord Jesus Christ; in His virgin birth; and His vicarious death through His shed blood; in His ascension to the right hand of the Father; and in His personal return in power and glory. We believe that for the salvation of lost and sinful men, regeneration by the Holy Spirit is essential. We believe in the present ministry of the Holy Spirit by whose indwelling, the Christian is enabled to live a Godly life. We believe in the resurrection of both the saved and lost: the lost unto the resurrection of damnation and the saved unto resurrection of life eternal. We believe in the spiritual unity of the believers in our Lord Jesus Christ.
Student Restrictions
Unmarried students with no children and no previous marriages and living under the supervision of parent or guardian will be considered for admittance. An applicant will not be considered registered until the registration fee is paid and they have been accepted by the administration and the board.
After School Care- 3:30-5:30
After School Care is already included in the Little Sprout tuition. Therefore, students in K3, K4, and K5 will not be charged for after care.
After School Care is also available for 1st-6th grade MGCA students from 3:30pm-5:30pm at a cost of $3.00 a day per child. Parents will need to register their students. Drop in or extra day fees will be applied at $5.00 per child per day. All students shall be picked up by 5:30 pm. There is a $20.00 per child late fee charged after 5:30 pm and for every hour thereafter. All Little Sprouts-6th grade will be placed in after school care at 3:30 pm. Participation in the after-school care program is a privilege; therefore, any student that abuses this privilege will not be allowed to remain in the program.
All 7th -12th grade students must leave campus at 3:30 unless they are a teacher’s child or have made special arrangements with the administration.
Financial Policy/Registration and Fees
The registration fee is $100.00 per child. This is a non-refundable and non- transferable fee. MGCA is a not-for-profit organization and being tuition-based, it is necessary that all payments be timely. The following policies explain MGCA’s financial procedures:
1. Monthly payments are due by the 1st of each month. Any account paid after the 10th will be assessed a $15.00 late fee. Late fees will continue to be added each month until the account is current. Any payment made is applied to the oldest balance first.
2. A $25.00 fee will be added for any returned checks. We do not take post-dated checks.
3. Students with a 60-day delinquent account will not be allowed to attend school and a meeting to discuss the account will be arranged with the administration.
4. All withdrawals must be processed through the school office. For students attending any portion of a month, the tuition will be prorated based on days attending.
5. Students graduating or transferring from MGCA will not be allowed to participate in graduation, have their transcripts or records released, or receive grade cards until all fees and tuition are paid in full.
6. No returning student will be allowed to re-enroll for the following year until all accounts are paid in full.
Special Fees
Throughout the school year, there may be special fees that come up. If a student chooses to participate in any elective classes offered, there may be a $30.00 fee. High School graduation fee is $50.00.
MGCA is endeavoring to keep low tuition rates for the benefit of each family. For that reason, we have elected to implement yearly fundraisers. The school receives no Federal Assistance other than tax exemption status, neither is it endowed or supported by any other organization. We need each family’s participation in helping to raise the additional funds needed for the annual school budget. It is our goal that our fundraisers support our local community and provide a product or service that is welcomed by the members of our community. Therefore, each family is expected to participate and work with the new fundraising committee in at least one fundraiser or opt-out by paying a non-participation fee of $100 per student, per large event, such as the Cookie Walk, Bible Trivia Night, or Spring Tea.
The Board of Directors has taken steps to ensure the security of our facility and the safety of the staff and students at MGCA. All entrances will be locked while school and after care is in session. Doors will be locked at 7:25 am and remained locked throughout the day until 5:30 pm or until all students have gone home. If you need in the school during operating hours, a doorbell is available on the outside of the front door and on the outside of our west door for aftercare. After ringing the bell, someone will allow you access. Please remain patient as we are very busy teaching and administering your children. Anyone entering the school who is not employed with MGCA must check in at the front office. Please follow the joint safety plan in process by the MGCA and Faith Community Church. Remember, you are not to go past the front foyer without permission or being escorted by a school employee.
School/Parent Relationship/Communication
The Christian school is designed to function as an extension of the family in the task of education. Though parents have the ultimate human authority over their children, the effective functioning of the school requires that parents delegate some of their authority to the school. Parents should thoroughly acquaint themselves with all school policies.
1. Parents should read this booklet thoroughly upon enrollment. Any questions about its contents should be directed to a supervisor or an administrator.
2. Parents should read all correspondence from the school carefully and stay informed concerning school activities and schedules. Please check for all communications, sent home or online.
A. Check for notes/ announcements sent home in your child’s backpack.
B. Newsletters are emailed or sent home for those without email every week.
C. We have a MGCA Facebook page to keep you informed.
D. “MGCA Connect” which is a closed group for staff and parents. Please ask if you need to be added.
E. An updated website will be available this year.
F. Your teacher will be keeping in contact with you in a timely manner.
G. The Mountain Grove News Journal will publish articles of interest concerning the school. Feel free to put pictures on our Facebook pages or send them to
3. Parents should regularly ask students about what is being studied. They should show a positive interest in the accomplishments of the student and should encourage achievement in healthy ways.
4. Parents should demonstrate full support for school policies. Criticizing policies, such as dress code and tardiness, in front of students encourages them to show disrespect and creates an unhealthy relationship between the family and school.
5. Participation in the first of school orientation, one formal Parent/Teacher Conference, and at least one informal conference is required each quarter for ALL grades. These can be through any media.
6. If parents have serious concerns about policies or actions taken by the school, they should withhold judgment until after contacting the school using the following procedures:
A. If a concern is with the teacher, you may contact the teacher through phone call, text, or e-mail during non-class hours. You may call the school and ask that the teacher return your call as soon as possible, or make an appointment to call or come in. Call the office and do not contact the teacher when school is in session. Do not stand in the gym or hall and try to catch them right before school starts. Teachers are on duty from 7:25 to 3:30 in the afternoon.
B. State your concern briefly. If possible, resolve the matter over the phone. Many family/school conflicts are simply the result of lack of communication. If a lengthier conference is needed, set up an appointment with the teacher.
C. If the matter cannot be resolved with the teacher, please fill out the resolution form, and bring it to the senior administrator for discussion. The senior administrator will resolve the issue and/or set up a conference with the parents, teacher, and administrator. In the absence of an administrator, the assistant administrator will assist the parent in a resolution.
D. If a Board Member is approached, he/she will refer the aggrieved person to the above procedures.
E. If a parent desires to speak at a board meeting, after the above steps have been completed, you must ask the senior administrator to be put on the agenda no later than the Thursday before the Monday meeting in “public comments”. You will need to tell the administrator the general topic, not names. The board will sit and listen to your comments and then discuss in closed session.
F. If the problem still exists, the issue will be brought before the board for a resolution. The decision of the board is final.
7. Parents are encouraged to attend board meetings and know what is happening at the school. In all cases, each party should maintain a positive attitude, refrain from being critical or judgmental, and refrain from gossiping or discussing the situation with others who are not involved directly. Failing to do so only sows seeds of discord.
Parental Visits
It is the desire of the administration and faculty to be of service to both the parents and the student, and each teacher welcomes a visit from a parent. Parents who are visiting a class are asked to observe the following procedures:
1. Schedule the observation with the teacher.
2. Check in at the office before entering the class.
3. Take a seat in the back of the room.
4. Please refrain from conversation with the students and teacher while class is in session.
Wednesday Hot Lunch:
Parents are invited to join students when we have hot lunch on special fundraiser Wednesdays.
Regular, consistent attendance is vitally important for success at MGCA. Parents should attempt to minimize absences as much as possible. In all cases of absence, it is the responsibility of the parent to notify the school office to verify the absence. It is the responsibility of the student or parent to initiate the make-up work for each class missed. Each student will be given two school days to every one day missed to make up the class assignments and activities.
A total of 10 absences per semester will be allowed. After 8 absences, a letter will be sent to the parents and the Board will be notified. After 10 absences, the student will not be allowed back to class until the student and parent(s) have met with the Board or administration to explain absences. The parent then has the responsibility to gather all doctor excuses or documentation to turn into the board for review. Students with more than 10 absences per semester may be subject to failing the entire school year. In the event of an extended illness, the parents may seek special consideration by the Board to waive requirements.
Parents are responsible for early notification of planned absences. Arrangements should be made with the teacher to receive assignments in advance. Students will have the same number of school days as listed above to complete their work.
Any classes missed without parental permission, including leaving the school without permission before the end of the school day, or staying out of scheduled classes or activities without permission will be subject to disciplinary action.
Being tardy is disruptive to the classroom and has an adverse effect on your child’s educational progress. Just as adults are expected to arrive at work on time, the same consideration should be given at school. Arriving late shows disrespect to the Mountain Grove Christian Academy and its staff. Students should arrive before 7:45 to be on time for pledges, prayer, and announcements. Students arriving after 7:45 are considered tardy. Consistent tardiness is a sign of disrespect and laziness. When a student is tardy, the student will have to make up any missed material as homework or during recess. The first hour with prayer and Bible reading is the foundation of our school and what sets us apart. We desire to train our students to become excellent employees in the workplace. Employees who are consistently late to work may suffer termination; therefore, we feel excessive tardiness is disrespect to the Lord and the Academy.
Arriving Late or Early Dismissal
Students should not leave school early for any reason that cannot be considered an emergency or for something that could be taken care of at a different time. Items forgotten at home are not emergencies.
The procedures for early dismissal are as follows: The parent needs to come by the office to sign out the student. Parents that send a note or call the office before picking up a child should also check the student out through the office. Parents are not permitted to pick a student up at his/her classroom. Students who drive and have permission to leave early must check out in the office before leaving. Students who leave early and return before the end of the day must sign back in at the office before returning to class.
Emergency and Weather-Related School Closings
We never know what we can expect from the weather. We can only use what information is available from the news, weather forecasts, and phone calls that are made to determine road conditions, all early enough to make a wise choice. We will be “shadowing” the Mtn. Grove R-III cancellations. Our school name will not be used on any cancellation lists. If you see or hear that Mtn. Grove R-III has been cancelled, then you will automatically know that MGCA has cancelled as well. This will be posted on local news channels and radio. After 7:30 a.m., if you do not see or hear Mtn. Grove R-III on any list you should presume that we are having school. We will only be cancelled if it is a weather-related cancellation given from Mtn. Grove R-III. If Mtn. Grove R-III is running snow routes only, CLASSES WILL BE IN SESSION. Please use your own judgment – arriving late, leaving school early, or missing a day because of weather will not be counted against your child.
When school is dismissed early, students will be ready and picked up at an assigned time. During times of active bad weather, road conditions will be monitored, and decisions will be based accordingly. Students of working parents who cannot make arrangements for pick-up will be cared for until arrangements can be made. Delays with the school closing network sometimes occur-between thirty minutes and two hours-before closing notices are aired. This situation is out of our hands.
Over the counter medicines will be administered only with the permission of the parent. They must be clearly marked with the child’s name and exact dosage. The office will administer prescription medication to a child only as prescribed by the physician. Children cannot be admitted to school if they are exhibiting the following symptoms: fever, vomiting, diarrhea, or undiagnosed rash. The student must be free of these symptoms for 24 hours, without the use of fever reducing medications, before they can return to class. Please be considerate of other students and their families and not participate in the spreading of illnesses, even if this means taking an extra day off from work. Rashes must be diagnosed and declared non-contagious before re-entering school. If a student starts to exhibit any of the above symptoms, the parents will be notified and are expected to pick up their child immediately.
Special Circumstances, Injuries, Medical Attention
The office must be notified of students requiring any special attention due to a physical or medical situation. Full instructions must be given in writing. When a student has a physical ailment that limits activity or prohibits a particular activity, the school requires a note from a physician indicating the reason for the limitation and the period of time for which the limitation applies. MGCA encourages students to participate in as many activities as possible. Teachers and other school personnel will be sensitive to individual student situations.
All injuries are to be reported immediately to the supervising staff member, who will then complete an accident report, which will be turned in to the school office. A staff member or paramedic may administer first aid treatment. Every effort will be made to contact parents immediately, especially in cases of more severe injury. If needed, paramedics will transport the injured child to the closest emergency room, or to the hospital as requested by the parents. A member of the staff will treat minor injuries at school and a report will be filed.
All students must complete a Medical Authorization Form for emergency care. This form identifies preferred medical personnel and facilities in the event of a medical emergency. It is our policy that no student will be excused from the required P.E. course without a doctor’s written excuse.
Student Vehicle Policies
Bringing a vehicle to school is a privilege.
The rules are as follows:
1. All student-driven vehicles are to be registered in the school office.
2. Each driver should be an example of courteous driving habits.
3. Any student driving a car should have a valid Missouri driver’s license.
4. Vehicles are to remain parked until the student leaves for the day.
5. Vehicles are not to be occupied during school hours, nor are students to sit in parked vehicles while waiting for school to begin.
MGCA assumes no liability for vehicles on campus. The school reserves the right to search vehicles parked on school grounds without student/parent notification. Failure to observe these policies will necessitate cancellation of this privilege.
Regulations Concerning Travel
The main priorities when involved with trips to ball games and other activities are:
1. As Christians we are representing the Lord Jesus Christ.
2. As students, athletes, coaches, and parents, we are representing MGCA.
Guidelines required when traveling for school activities are:
1. Students will dress in accordance with the established dress code for the activity. If not, students will be subject to dress code violation policy which may cause them to miss an activity.
2. These activities are not to be considered dates. Boys and girls are not to sit beside one another in the van. If a student desires to sleep while traveling, they are to sit on a seat with someone of the same sex. Students are to stay in groups while at other schools, gyms, gas stations, restaurants, etc. Students are not to show any physical affection; holding hands, embracing, and kissing are strictly forbidden. Inappropriate language is strictly forbidden.
3. All entertainment media or sources must be Christian themed.
4. Eating and drinking will be determined by the sponsor and depend on the vehicle used and the distance traveled.
5. All drivers will adhere to and be responsible for all traffic laws regarding, but not limited to speed and car seat/seat belt usage. MGCA assumes no legal or financial responsibility if a driver violates state or federal laws.
The above items will be enforced for maintaining a good testimony and providing for the safety and comfort of the students. Students that deliberately break these rules or have a bad attitude about maintaining these standards will lose the privilege of taking part in these activities.
Chapel is held every Wednesday with guest speakers, DVD’s, class programs, singing, and Bible stories. Occasionally, the 7th through 12th grades will lead services for the younger students during chapel time.
School colors and Mascot
The school colors are navy and white with gray accent.
The school mascot is an eagle.
Dress Code: – Boys and Girls 1st – 12th Grade
Our dress code and uniform policy are for the purpose of promoting uniformity, modesty and a professional atmosphere of learning that discourages bullying, competition, cliques and extremes.
SHIRTS: It is the policy that all students 1st – 12th grade will wear any solid color, polo-type shirt with no logo. All shirts must be long enough to cover the midriff area even when arms are raised over the head. Short or long sleeves are approved for all year. Shirts must be clean with no stains or wrinkles.
PANTS: Khaki, black, or navy pants are permissible. Pants must be in good condition, loose fitted, no holes, not extremely worn out or stained. Pants that sit below the waist must have a shirt to cover when squatting or bending. No leggings.
SHORTS: Uniform type knee-length shorts may be worn in August and September and April through the end of the school year. No knit, athletic, legging type shorts will be allowed. Shorts must be clean and free of holes and stains.
CAPRIS: Girls may choose to wear uniform style capris only. Capris must be clean and free of holes and stains and not too tight. No “workout, legging type” capris will be acceptable.
SHOES: Any completely enclosed basic style shoe is appropriate. No flip-flops or open-backed sandals are permitted. Boots are accepted if in good condition and clean.
GIRLS: Girls may wear skirts that fall at or below the knee. When choosing to wear a skirt, the required polo must be worn as well. The bodice of a dress or top must always be modest and not low in front.
CASUAL FRIDAYS: We have designated the last day of each week as casual day. Students may wear jeans if they have no holes and are clean and in good repair. This gives students a chance to wear a t-shirt, polo, sweatshirt, or hoodie. Only Christian logos may be worn. When it is “shorts” season, all shorts must still be uniform type and at the knee. Tank tops are never permissible. The shoe policy remains the same.
SPIRIT DAYS: The last Thursday of the month is considered “Spirit Day”. On Spirit day, students may wear nice jeans with the MGCA Spirit Shirt (eagle logo shirt only). Otherwise, the regular uniform will be worn.
Students will be asked to change clothes if attire is determined unsuitable in any way. Wearing something that is not the policy of the academy is being disruptive to all other students and staff and disrespectful.
7-12th PE:
PANTS: Any color wind pants or athletic pants (not legging, not tight)
SHORTS: Any color no more than 3 inches above the knee
T-SHIRTS: Any color other than white for the girls
SHOES: Tennis Shoes
1. BOYS – Earrings, body piercings, nose rings/studs, gauges and chains are not permitted.
2. GIRLS – Jewelry should be conservative in size and quantity. Body piercings (other than pierced ears), nose rings/studs, and chains are not permitted.
3. The administration reserves the right to make final decisions on all jewelry worn by students.
The following are prohibited at Mountain Grove Christian Academy:
1. Hats, caps, sweat bands, bandanas, or sunglasses are not allowed in the school building.
2. Knives, guns, or weapons of any type.
3. Laser pointers, laser pens, etc.
4. Non- prescription eye glasses.
5. Boys may not wear fingernail polish (including clear) or wear acrylic nails.
· Boys – Hair must be neat, clean, not go below the eyebrows and not be longer than the shirt collar. Facial hair must be neat and trimmed. Daily decisions rest with the person appointed by the administration for consistency in following guidelines. Boys should NOT have any accessories in their hair for any reason.
· Girls – Hair must be neat, clean and accessorized only with head bands, barrettes, hair bows, etc. No hats may be worn in the school building.
· Boys and Girls -No extreme or distracting hairstyles (i.e. dreadlocks, fad hairstyles such as, spiked or tall, beads) No unnatural or multiple hair colors (ex. Pink, purple, etc.)
· Final approval rests with the administration.
Dress Code violations will be addressed at the front door with the teacher on duty and the Assistant Administrator or Sr. Administrator. If a student is not in compliance with the dress code a phone call or note will be sent home to the parent.
Dress Code: Boys and Girls K3-K5
Students in Little Sprouts don’t have a specific dress code. They need to dress in everyday attire with the following rules:
Boys: Shoes must have a back strap. No flip flops. Clothes need to be clean with no holes. Shorts need to be knee length. Shirts must cover the waistline when squatting or bending over.
Girls: Skirts and dresses need to be knee length or longer with shorts or leggings underneath. No flip flops are allowed. Sandals must have a back strap. No spaghetti strap tops without a cover-up. No leggings with just a shirt. Shirts must cover the waistline when squatting or bending over.
Discipline Policy and Parent/School Cooperation
Believing that discipline is necessary for the welfare of students as well as the school, teachers are given the liberty to make and enforce classroom rules in the manner which they feel is in accordance with Christian principles and discipline set forth in the Scriptures and within the guidelines of school policy. Please feel free to consult your child’s teacher about any problems or questions that concern the welfare of the students. It is the desire of the faculty to be of service to the parents and students. Each teacher welcomes a visit from any parent.
MGCA expects full cooperation from the parents and students in the education of the student. If at any time the school feels that this cooperation is lacking, the student may be requested to transfer. If the student’s behavior or attitude indicates an uncooperative spirit or one that is out of harmony with the spirit and standards of MGCA, whether there is any definite breach of conduct, he may be requested to transfer. Attendance at MGCA is a privilege, not a right. Students forfeit this privilege if they do not conform to the standards and ideals of work and life of MGCA.
General Classroom Rules
A major goal at MGCA is for students to learn self-discipline. We recognize that it is not an effortless process and that students progress toward this goal at different rates. Nevertheless, God is a God of order and all communities have standards to which each member must conform for the growth of the individual and the overall harmony of the group. A disciplined environment is necessary for learning.
Students will be disciplined by the teacher within the scope of scriptural methods in cooperation with the parents. Students are reminded that God expects us to be disciplined in all areas of life:
“Children obey your parents in all things; for this is well pleasing unto the Lord.” (Colossians 3:20)
“Let every soul be subject unto the higher powers…” (Hebrews 13:17)
“For the commandment is a lamp; and the law is the light; and reproofs of instruction are the way of life.” (Proverbs 6:23)
“Chasten thy son while there is hope and let not thy soul spare for his crying.” (Proverbs 10:17)
Parents and teachers must agree and understand the situation involved. We invite and encourage parents to meet with the teacher regarding any discipline administered. Please endeavor to consult the teacher before conferring with others regarding any discipline your child may receive. If for some reason an agreement cannot be met, or there continues to be a problem, the decision of the School Board will be the final authority.
Disciplinary Procedures
Each classroom teacher will provide parents and students with explanations and expectations that are specific to their class for that year. If the class does not submit to those discipline rules, the teacher has the authority to make stricter rules. If the teacher has exhausted their list of disciplinary procedures or the infraction is grievous enough to deem immediate attention, the student will be referred to the school administrator.
Behaviors that may result, by the discretion of the teacher or administrator, in detention or in-school suspension (not inclusive):
- Excessive tardiness
- Disrespect of authority or other students
- Disrespect of property of others.
- Continuous incomplete assignments
- Teasing or bullying
- Passing notes
- Assignments or books left at home
- Uniform violation
- Lying
- Cheating
- Bad Language
- Stealing
- Public Display of Affection
Detentions may be during the school day, before school, or after school at the discretion of the administrator. ISS will be all day during the school week or Saturday school. A fee of $65 will be needed from the parent to pay for the teacher in charge for each day.
Behaviors that may result in immediate expulsion (not inclusive):
Possession of any object identified as a weapon; furnishing, selling, possessing, or using tobacco, drugs, or alcohol, on or off campus; any sexual offense (including harassment); arson; participation in gang activity; assault and battery; theft, possession or sale of stolen property; any threats (verbal or physical); any behavior that results in violence to oneself or another person or property, which poses a direct and serious threat to the safety of oneself or others, or which is considered a gross moral offense; or any involvement in questionable practices. These activities require administrative action, which may result in immediate removal of the student from MGCA, the interaction of law enforcement authorities, and/or action of the Board of Directors. The School Board reserves the right to look at each case individually and pursue the course of action they deem necessary.
Electronic Communications
MGCA further extends its policies regarding acceptable behaviors while participating in online communities and networking sites, voice mail, email and texting. We feel that students, staff, and parent/guardians need to represent God and the school in all things in which they participate. No past, present, or prospective Pre-K3 – 12th grade students who are underage 18 shall participate in networking sites with MGCA staff or teachers.
Electronic Devices
All student cell phones will be turned off and collected each morning. They will be put in a designated basket on the teacher’s desk or in the senior administrator’s office. This is the responsibility of the teacher daily. If not in compliance with this rule, the teacher will be reprimanded. They are to remain in the designated area during the school day.
Phones will be given back to the students at 3:15 each day.
Exceptions: If a student needs to call home, they may ask permission to use their phone, or come to the office. If phones are used for internet or class projects, it will be permitted at the discretion of the teacher. Students are not to have their phones out during lunch, recess, passing time, or in the front lobby after school.
Academic Standards
Whatsoever ye do, do all to the glory of God. 1 Corinthians 10:31—For a Christian, it is wrong to present only average effort. God expects an offering of our best. Striving for excellence for the purpose of giving God the glory is the goal for all students and faculty. When we work toward excellence, we seek to develop young people who will be faithful to serve the Lord and be good witnesses. Therefore, we expect our students to do the following:
1. Be receptive to all spiritual teaching in the school program.
2. Give serious consideration to receiving Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord, if the student is not saved.
3. Be loyal to the Lord Jesus Christ.
4. Be submissive and respectful to all school authorities.
5. Have daily devotions and desire to win souls.
6. Be loyal to school, faculty, and administration.
7. Abide by the rules of the school and maintain a good testimony away from school.
8. Prepare studies to the best of their ability.
Academic Probation
A student who exhibits work at a “D” level or below in two or more subjects or does not complete the required work during any given grade period will be placed on academic probation. The student will be denied certain privileges and extracurricular activities such as field trips, games, cheerleading, etc. until the situation is brought up to an acceptable level. Parents should consult teachers of subjects where there are deficiencies to determine the course of action to correct the problem. Students on Academic Probation will not be considered for honor roll.
Transfer Student
A student transferring is responsible for meeting the requirements toward graduation only for the years they attend MGCA. They must have successfully met requirements of the school they last attended. As scheduling permits, any deficiencies are to be made up. Credits for graduation are determined from courses of study in grades 9 through 12.
Grade Scale
A 93-100% 4
A- 90-92% 3.7
B+ 87-89% 3.3
B 83-86% 3.0
B- 80-82% 2.7
C+ 77-79% 2.3
C 73-76% 2.0
C- 70-72% 1.7
D+ 67-69% 1.3
D 60-66% 1.0
F 59% or below